North Channel SWS Cruise 2000
Page 6 - Thursday (2)
Croker Island then to Lauisa Island

Thursday Continued

            Finally, the time came to set sail for our night destination.  The wind was back and we sailed toward Lousia Island.  I looked back and noticed that there was rain on the way.  During the first shower, the wind got a little stronger.  We were willing to get a little wet if it meant getting some decent sailing wind.  When the rain passed, so did the wind, and the next shower did not come with any breeze.  With no sign this would improve, we accepted another tow from True North to avoid becoming waterlogged.

          We set anchor and I waded over to True North to see if we could get any reception with Nick's cellular phone.  I took my time getting there, dreading the phone call I had to make back home.  Once there I called my Father-in-law to find out the status of my car.  My dread was unnecessary, the car was fixed!  I walked back in the rain, and we attached the large tarp around the boat.  We had supper and played cards for the rest of the evening.  Ellen set her alarm for 2:30 so we could awake to try and see the aurora borealis.  She woke me up shortly after the alarm.  I had finally got the opportunity to see it.  I awoke Roby and tried to wake Gabrielle with no luck.  After that, it was difficult to get any sleep since the wind direction had changed and we were rocking in the swells.

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