Shallow Water Sailors Spring Cruise 2001
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Putting In

Norm H-T sets up the roller furling on Annika
Linda & Morry prepare their Peep Hen

Diana and Ginny stand by their boats - thanks to these ladies and
Linda, Sandy, Marsha, Patty, Carol, Deborah, Alice and Mary,
the navigation and boat handling were maintained in a seamen-like fashion

Sandy said of the cruise, "We had a wonderful time on this cruise.  This is our 16th Spring Cruise and both Leo and I think it's our best one yet!   There's no one reason, just all the intangibles like terrific people, terrific boats, terrific music and plenty of food and wind.  We probably ran aground a few times more than usual; a couple of times we were good and stuck.  No big deal.
        Friday we spent the day entranced with Norm's new boat.  It was just beautiful, salty, and it made Norm smile a lot over not having to fetch things from the forepeak on his knees.  So we took lots of pictures of  Norm and Piilu.

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