Shallow Water Sailors Spring Cruise 2001
Page 4

Old Trinity Church - Part 2

Ken Murphy in his piece about, "Eastern Shore Hospitality", had this to say:

"By the time Ginny and I arrived, there were already a good number of boats tied up.  After about fifteen minutes a man drove up and introduced himself as the rector of the church.  A church member had seen the SWS flotilla coming down Church Creek and had called him.  He asked, if anyone was interested, he would be glad to open the church and show us around!  So the Reverend E. Owen Jroman, Rector of the Old Trinity Church, circa 1675 gave us our own private tour.

"We learned some history and discovered how the church was lovingly refurbished in the ‘50s, carefully assuring that a 17th century look was maintained even to the point of using burned oyster shell mortar to remount the original brick.

"There has been a worshiping congregation here for over 300 years.  The current congregation is in the Episcopal Diocese of Easton.  It's made up of families that have been in the area for generations, newer families, as well as "weekenders" from Washington and Baltimore.  If you're ever near Church Creek on a Sunday, think of joining in.  About 30 people worship regularly at the 11 AM Sunday Service.

Sandy remembers:  "The rector at the Trinity Church on Church Creek still makes me smile.  He told a dead-pan joke about the grave with the two millstones ("A man with two wives").  I wanted to laugh but thought he might not be joking.  A few minutes later he had to tell us it was a joke because we were all too polite to laugh. [In fact it was the miller's grave]

I love this picture...what a crew - from left to right:
Leo, Reverend Jroman, Ken, Alice, Jake, Harry, Bill, Ron, & John

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