Sailing on Barnegat Bay
June 28-30, 2002
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Morry writes:    For Linda and I, the fun things included beachcombing, napping, a cook out, swimming, a roaring bon-fire, few bugs, and best of all spending some time with a group of great cruising people.  Did I mention that the sailing was pretty good too?  Other than the slog out and back from Forked river to Tices Shoals, the sailing was great, one long steady beat to the anchorage on Saturday afternoon, and a really comfortable tack back across on Sunday morning.  The only spoiler was the heavy traffic in the late morning and afternoon, but for all the other positives, that was worth putting up with.  The only regret I have is that I didn’t take Paul up on his offer of a night sail on Saturday.  The water was calm, the wind was steady, and I would have gotten to sail on a Dovekie.  Paul did his best to convince Jake and I, and now that I reflect on it, I think we may have missed some of the best sailing of the weekend.

Paul writes:   This was my first time sailing since the early eighties.  I have my newly acquired Dovekie (hull # 4), my not so newly acquired brother-in-law, and everything I thought we might need packed into and spilling over the stow bins.  The wind and weather couldn’t have been more beautiful.  Morry and Linda were at the ramp when I pulled up after a last minute run for a clam rake and license.  They immediately reminded me that you meet the greatest people in the world of sailing.  Jake, along with Mike and Tammy had gotten underway earlier and would be across the bay at the appointed rendezvous of Tices Shoal.  All the sailing senses came back to me quickly.  All the things that can cause excessive drifting, lifting, hauling, bumping and things to go overboard would (and still do) come back to me not so quickly.  No Wake sailed along surprisingly well considering the rust still clinging to the inner recesses of the captain’s mind! 

Jake and Tammy discuss world affairs

Paul writes:    Jake led us to a great point up north near the beginning of Island Beach State Park.  The winds kept the bugs at bay and the abundance of beach and firewood made for a display of “pyromania” by Jake as he fed cedar logs to the fire.  We all shared food and drinks and stories.  Everyone really enjoying the company of kindred spirits.  Morry broke out the scotch, I thought it a good time for cigars, and my guitar was calling me to bang out some noise.