Spring Cruise No. 24
May 25, 26, & 27, 2003
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Jake Millar - Ruddy ducks

         I knew this spring cruise was going to be an adventure as soon as I walked down to the ramp to have a look and saw a guy in a mini-dozer building the ramp even as we were pulling into the MRYC field and rigging our boats!   The launch went smoothly and we were underway by noon.  Sails went up - for the first time in my case - and we had a nice sail up the Miles River to Hunting Creek.
         The rain that had been threatening for some time finally started to come down so I sailed past the raft of SWSers and continued up Hunting Creek in a light drizzle.  I sailed through a large flock (100-150) ducks, buffleheads and ruddy ducks.  The ruddys were very colorful up close - rust orange backs, blackheads with white cheeks and distinctive blue bills.
         I found a pretty snug anchorage for the night and buttoned Shorebird up just as the rain really started to come down.   It rained through the night and well into Saturday A.M. so I had plenty of time to cook, read, write, sleep some more and listen to the radio.   Finally, about noon the rain quit long enough to get underway - of course, once the commitment was made and we were all out on the river, the rain returned, so the SWS (soggy weekend sailors) sailed into Leed’s Creek for shelter.  Had a fun raft up with 11 boats swinging on John Z’s anchor.  Every boat had foul weather gear hung out to dry, draped over the spars.

Jake With a Big Smile Gets Dried Off, Leeds Creek in the Background

         I left the raft about 5 PM (along with Morry in the PeepHen) to explore a little further up the creek.  I was able to sneak under the Tunis Mills bridge (with inches to spare!) while Morry just missed by 3 or 4 inches and had to turn back.  About 100 yards past the bridge I spotted two bald eagles perched on a creekside tree limb - always impressive.   I passed back under the bridge and joined Morry for dinner and a nightcap.

Peep Hen Does Not Clear the Tunis Mill Bridge

         Sunday morning awoke to clear blue skies, got gear stowed and began sailing back out of Leed’s Creek.  Met a kayaker out on the water who said he was a former Dovekie sailor - had a nice chat (about boats - what else!).  Then I sailed into the beautiful cove that the rest of the SWSers were anchored in.  I love the sight of all those graceful little boats resting in a glassy cove.

          After a short “fly by” I headed out to the Miles for some sailing.  I’d intended to get an hour or so of sailing time in before heading for the ramp but..... once I rounded the point and got out into the Miles, the short chop and cool breeze sent me running for the ramp.  Hauled out and got gear stowed.  Lunch at MRYC was great (iced tea and still warm cookies!)  After group photos and good byes it was off to “Joisey”.  It was fun getting to see some of the Miles River.  I look forward to seeing more at next year’s spring cruise.

As Jake passed an osprey nest, the male took flight to protect his nestlings

Page 1   John Zohlen
Page 2   Jake Millar
Page 3   Bill Zeitler
Page 4   Harry Mote
Page 5   Ken Murphy
Page 6   Morry Kapitan
Page 7   Dana Gunnison
Page 8   Don & Kay Besom
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